The Relationship Between Social Justice and Urban Agriculture in Cities




Urban agriculture, social justice, social equality


Cities are becoming centers of attraction for the world's population every year, thanks to the fact that they host different cultures within their borders and the facilities, services and opportunities they offer. The urbanization trend, which continues on a global scale, has a similar effect in Turkey. According to World Bank data, approximately 50% of the world's population lives in cities and this rate is expected to reach 75% by 2050. In Turkey, 77% of the population resides in cities as of 2022. This demographic transformation paves the way for concepts such as management of differences, social integration and multiculturalism to be discussed more and more frequently. However, meeting basic needs such as employment, education and housing that arise as a result of waves of migration to cities is among the main problems faced by cities. The reflections of these problems on the social level manifest themselves in the form of exclusion and social inequality. The changing needs of individuals migrating from rural areas to cities and their lack of adaptation to the mechanisms to meet these needs pave the way for the damage to social justice and the deepening of inequalities. Particularly in cities and public spaces, the coming together and interaction of individuals with different lifestyles, traditions, social statuses and belief systems is considered a natural and inevitable result of urban life. It is seen that similar social and economic problems arise in residential areas where the rate of urbanization is high, regardless of country or city. This process brings with it issues such as inadequacies in meeting the needs of the migrating population, social inequalities and social harmony problems. In this context, the solution proposals developed by urban policy makers should include approaches that allow individuals to express themselves, support social participation, and prevent the risk of loss of identity in this process. Participation processes should ensure not only individual freedom of expression, but also the active involvement of the citizens of the city in processes of solidarity and social integration. This study will focus on the impact of urban agriculture practices in ensuring urban justice. Urban agriculture is considered as a tool that supports the coexistence of urban people and contributes to the development of the concepts of equality and social justice. In this context, the potential offered by urban agriculture as a practical solution for the realization of urban justice will be evaluated.


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How to Cite

Yalçıntaş, E. (2025). The Relationship Between Social Justice and Urban Agriculture in Cities. Journal of Sustainable Equity and Social Research, 2(1), 82–100.

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