The Civil Society, Negotiational Participation and Pluralism: “Demos”, Where Are You?




Democracy, society, civil society, negotiational participation, pluralism


Democracy has been a political phenomenon for human societies for almost 2500 years. Perhaps one of the main reasons for this is that human societies act hypocritically in accepting and applying a phenomenon, and that the phenomenon in question is used by certain segments of human societies to protect and maintain political power and power. There are many examples of this argument in history. On the way to eliminate this thesis, perhaps the most important socio-political elements in human societies in the name of democracy can be described with the concepts of civil society, deliberation, participation, deliberative participation and pluralism. Because without these, neither the continuity of democracy, nor the healthy applicability of democracy, nor the basic principles of democracy such as free elections, freedom of the press, freedom of thought-expression-conscience, the right to choose and be elected, etc. will remain meaningful. Therefore, in the absence of civil society, deliberative participation and pluralism, the democracy practiced in that society will be a “fake and so-called” democracy. The aim of this study is to examine the relationships and interactions of these three phenomena, which shed light on and realize the existence of a real and democratic democracy in a society, in a social context. The importance of this study is to draw attention to the fact that democracy comes to life and is applicable in societies and the political regimes that govern them, with advanced democratic understandings and attitudes such as civil society, deliberative participation and pluralism, rather than basic principles and principles. In this research, which has mainly adopted the qualitative research methodology, scientific books, articles, theses, reports and papers are used to obtain scientific data; scientific research methods such as document analysis, content analysis and hermeneutics are benefited from.


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How to Cite

Ak, G. (2024). The Civil Society, Negotiational Participation and Pluralism: “Demos”, Where Are You?. Journal of Sustainable Equity and Social Research, 1(1), 01–14.


